Supplement For Optimal Health
Why Supplement? :
Health & Nutrition is a booming industry now. The reason behind that the people in the cities and even in rural areas are not eating well or in other words NOT giving their body enough nutrients that it needs. But why don’t they eat well?
The reasons primarily are the below-
1- Ignorance: They don’t know what a BALANCED DIET is or what WHO recommended 5 a day is. They don’t have any clue of what processed and unprocessed food is/
2- Taste: Who likes the taste of steamed broccoli or brown rice?
3- Hectic lifestyle: People are so busy in rat race, they don’t have time to take care of their body
It is no secret that unhealthy diet, stress and lack of physical activities are the major contributors to lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and obesity.
Supplement for kids?
Nutritional imbalance due to the above factors, is the major cause of concern, not only for adults, but also for kids. Malnourishment in kids is quite common in Africa and Asia. And in Western countries, it’s the child obesity, which is quite concerning due to the culture of junk food and lack of physical activities amongst kids.
Types of supplements:
Supplements are off to kinds. Organic and synthetic supplements. Organic supplements are sourced from certified organic farms. These are quite closer to nature than the synthetic supplements which are developed in laboratory. Organic supplements are free from insecticide, pesticide and any other unnatural ingredients.
Let’s take the example of iron supplement. Organic iron supplements are prepared sourcing the iron from naturally occurring spinach extract. Whereas, the synthetic iron supplement is developed in lab from Ferrous Sulfate. You will find iron in both the supplements. But iron from spinach will be absorbed in the body faster and more naturally than the iron from ferrous sulphate.
You will always find organic supplements expensive than synthetic supplement. The process of growing, harvesting and extracting the iron from spinach makes it dearer than extracting iron (Fe) from Ferrous Sulphate (FeSO4). It’s the same reason why you find organic milk at your super store expensive than the ordinary milk. Organic milk is produced from cows which are fed and nurtured naturally, without any gene altering injection or food to produce more milk. Where as ordinary milk is usually sourced from cows reared to produce more milk. This is done by special food and injection. So, even though, milk is milk, organic milk is always better than ordinary milk even if we have to pay a bit extra. Similarly, natural/organic supplement is always better than synthetic supplement.
How to know that a supplement or the company producing the supplement is organic? If the farm from where the ingredients of the supplement are sourced from are certified as organic, the supplement is considered as organic.
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) certifies the farms or the company owning the farm as organic. They maintain a database of such companies, which could be checked at .
Supplements, as the name suggests should supplement our main diet. They can never be the substitute for healthy food. Food, filled with fruits and vegetables along with organic supplement and exercise are the key to optimal health.